Puhan Art & Craft - Art Class in Ubud - Kendari, Indonesia

Puhan Art & Craft - Art Class in Ubud
Puhan Art & Craft - Art Class in Ubud
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Company name
Puhan Art & Craft - Art Class in Ubud
Jl. Raya Kendran, Jl. Raya Banjar Gentong Gang Jepun, Tegallalang, Kec. Tegallalang, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80561, Kendari, Indonesia
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Working hours
  • Monday: 11:00am-03:00pm
  • Tuesday: 11:00am-03:00pm
  • Wednesday: 11:00am-03:00pm
  • Thursday: 11:00am-03:00pm
  • Friday: 11:00am-03:00pm
  • Saturday: 11:00am-01:00pm
  • Sunday: 11:00am-01:00pm
Company manager
Puhan Art
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Company description
Welcome to Puhan Art & Craft, the premier destination for art classes in Ubud. Here, your passion for creativity meets our expertise in guiding you through a variety of art workshops. Our art classes, held in the serene locale of Ubud, are designed to provide a transformative experience, whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting your journey in the world of art.
Every art class in Ubud that we offer is meticulously designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience. From soul therapy sessions that delve into the profound connection between art and the human spirit to private art jamming sessions that allow you to unleash your creativity freely, each art class is a unique experience.
Our art workshops are more than just classes. They are a rich fusion of knowledge-sharing  
Show more and practical art lessons designed to stimulate creativity. These workshops are designed to immerse you in the world of art, be it through the meticulous process of bookbinding or the traditional practice of weaving on a loom.
At Puhan Art & Craft, we believe that the essence of art is not just about creating but also about learning. That's why we offer tailored art lessons for each participant. Whether you're a beginner exploring your artistic side or an experienced artist seeking to refine your skills, our art lessons in Ubud are sure to cater to your unique needs.
But we don't stop at art. We also offer craft workshops that allow you to delve into the intricate world of handmade crafts. These craft workshops, conducted under the guidance of our experienced instructors, provide an opportunity to create something beautiful and tangible.
Join us at Puhan Art & Craft for an unforgettable art class in Ubud. Embark on a journey of self-discovery through our art classes, learn new skills with our art lessons, immerse yourself in creative exploration through our art workshops, and unleash your creativity in our craft workshops. At Puhan Art & Craft, we bring the world of art to you in Ubud.
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Products & Services 1

  • Art School
    Art School
    Every art class in Ubud that we offer is meticulously design...


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