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  • +6Years
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Company name
Blok DB 25 Kedoya Elok Plaza, Jl. Panjang No.7, Kedoya Sel., Kb. Jeruk Kota Jakarta Barat DKI Jakarta 11520, Java, Indonesia
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Working hours
  • Monday: 10.00 - 17.00
  • Tuesday: 10.00 - 17.00
  • Wednesday: 10.00 - 17.00
  • Thursday: 10.00 - 17.000
  • Friday: 10.00 - 17.00
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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Company description
QLOTI B2B Mobile Application (www.qloti.com), for anyone who wants to become a Travelpreneur, a sales agent of YOEXPLORE. Start selling travel & lifestyle products at zero capital! QLOTI brand belongs to PT. BENIH TRANSFORMASI DIGITAl.

Do you want to become a travel entrepreneur without getting busy to serve your clients as a local guide, tour operator, or the activity provider?

Join us as a sales agent of YOEXPLORE, named as the QLOTI Agent or QLOTIER.

Who can be a QLOTI Agent (QLOTIER)? If you are a high school student, a university student, a household wife, a professional, a freelancer, or a travel or lifestyle entrepreneur, you can be our agent.

Register now to become a QLOTI Agent and start your travel business without a business capital.

QLOTI products

Show more Booking & Ticketing System
flight, hotel, car rental, travel insurance, other insurance, train, airport transfer, restaurant, cinema

b. PPOB (Payment Point Online Bank):
phone credit, BPJS, PLN, Payment at Restaurant, Motorbike or Car Installment, etc.

c. Experiences:
group trip, privat trip, attraction, social impact tour, trip+training

d. Goods:
travel gears, souvenir, handicraft, etc.

Competitive Advantages of becoming a QLOTI Agent:

1. We offer you a net price to let you set your own publish price

2. Flexible to use for your personal and/or business needs

3. QLOTI algorithm will enable you to get a suggested competitive price

4. Easily to create your quotation and send it to your potential clients either via emails or chat room

5. Pay by agent or clients. You can choose to pay the transactions by your account as an agent or ask your clients to pay the transactions directly to QLOTI.

6. Various payment channels. Transactions can be paid by credit card, bank transfer, virtual account, deposit, atm, Indomaret, or Alfamart.

7.Through QLOTI referral model, you will be able to recruit your tier-2 agents and your tier-2 agents will be able to recruit their tier-3 agents. You will have a chance to get an additional commission as per sales made by your tier-2 and/or tier-3 agents

8. Collect your points as per your or your clients’ transactions and redeem them with our attractive reward.

9.Easily to access for electronic promotional tools

10.Full access to an online forum, online training, and subsidy offline training

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