Seinindo Brawijaya Pratama PT - Surabaya, Indonesia
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Seinindo Brawijaya Pratama PT
Kota Surabaya, Java, Indonesia
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2014E-mail address
Company description
Welcome to Seinindo Brawijaya Pratama
PT SEININDO BRAWIJAYA PRATAMA established in Surabaya East Java, Indonesia in 2014 and headquartered in Surabaya Wiguna complex , in attempting SEININDO Group companies have a program in the field of procurement performance of land transport services and general trade with the advanced Vision " To be a company that can provide welfare for shareholders , employees , society and the state , " Mission " We always strive to build a harmonious relationship and meet the needs of the market and consumers become strong and productive enterprise " . Successful management of educated workers and professionalism will be innovation in forming a reliable team work in achieving the target company's success , such as a company logo emblem interpret bird
PT SEININDO BRAWIJAYA PRATAMA will play an active role in advancing the nation through programs targeted real performance and continuous and is managed by experts / professionals who will ensure the progress and welfare of the employees of the company without prejudice to the principle of kinship are strong in unity towards the development of mental and ideology to achieve the principle of National benefit .
PT SEININDO BRAWIJAYA PRATAMA established in Surabaya East Java, Indonesia in 2014 and headquartered in Surabaya Wiguna complex , in attempting SEININDO Group companies have a program in the field of procurement performance of land transport services and general trade with the advanced Vision " To be a company that can provide welfare for shareholders , employees , society and the state , " Mission " We always strive to build a harmonious relationship and meet the needs of the market and consumers become strong and productive enterprise " . Successful management of educated workers and professionalism will be innovation in forming a reliable team work in achieving the target company's success , such as a company logo emblem interpret bird
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flies carrying strap means birds fly as far and high as well as high load indefinitely and give freedom of speech , bringing vision and mission of the company to be strong and large in Indonesia to build international relations , as well as rope symbolizes the power of friendship and brotherhood that were built by SEININDO Group to the shareholders , directors , employees and business partners , this logo is the brand of the company SEININDO Group in the field of land transport services and general trading strategies to achieve development in a range of sectors in governance .PT SEININDO BRAWIJAYA PRATAMA will play an active role in advancing the nation through programs targeted real performance and continuous and is managed by experts / professionals who will ensure the progress and welfare of the employees of the company without prejudice to the principle of kinship are strong in unity towards the development of mental and ideology to achieve the principle of National benefit .
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