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Plaza Ciputat Mas, Blok E Kav. H, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 5 A, Ciputat 15412 Tangerang 15412, Jawa Barat Indonesia
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First of all, on behalf of the company, we would like to say thank you for your valuable time to meet us. We appreciate this opportunity and present here, a complete package of water treatment management program to your premises as attached.Behn Meyer group has operated in this region since 1840. The business lines are categorized into 4 major groups: Chemicals, Fertilizer/Crop Protection, International Trading and Engineering. The philosophy of the group is to conduct its business in a responsible and future-orientated manner for the benefit of its customers, principals, employees and shareholders and for well being of the countries it is operating in.In order to serve the water treatment industry better, Behn Meyer group has set up this new division, Behn Meyer Techno-Chemicals Sdn Bhd
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(BMTC) to provide technical services and professional advice to the its customer.The features of our total water management package are as follow:1.All treatment raw materials are imported from US or Europe which is major manufacturer that produce quality products, serve most of the water treatment company such as Betz-Dearborn, Drew, Nalco etc. Manufacturer like Lonza Inc., Bayer Corp., Great Lake Chemical, Dow Chemical, Buckman Lab., FMC Corp. Esseco are our source of the supply of raw materials. The blending is done locally by tote blender currently blend various 3M products for Malaysia market.2.In order to serve this water treatment industry differently, Behn Meyer Group has invested few millions to update the existing INTRANET network to INTERNET network, incorporate new e business concept, such as Training Program, Data Analysis Program, etc into the Web Site. This will enable our loyal customers and distributors to utilize the computer program without paying extra cost.We looking forward to provide our expertise in the field of water treatment.Thank you.Listed in categories
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