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Jl.Tunggala Komp.BTN.Blok A.13 No.6 Wua-Wua Kota Kendari 93117, Sulawesi Tenggara Indonesia
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Good news for all community in Southeast Sulewesi in particular, Indonesia and international community in general wherever you are. It has been opened the Traditional Treatment Center for all ages and we are present for public. The various kinds of chronic and acute diseases can be treated in our treatment center through the following therapies:Massage & hot therapyTraditional medicine (traditionally self-gathered)Health Education (all the therapies mentioned are new innovation)We can treat the various kind of disease such as:Non-injection illness: stroke (nerve problem), tetanus, hypertension, epilepsy, gout, rheumatic, thyroid, diabetes, asthma, cephalic migraine, vertigo, miere, insomnia, amnesia, dementia (non-degeneration), eye problems; hazy, near/far sight, cross eyed,
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sensory-neural problem, tinitus, body paralysis etc. Malnutrition; kwashiorkor, food/drink/medicine poisoned, and some other diseases.Gland tumor: benign tumor, malignant cancer stadium I & IIBlood illness: leukemia, blood cancer, anemia, etc.Infection & injury: serious/plain injury, dengue fever (blood fever), gastritis, ulkuspeptikum, hepatitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis (TB), bronchitis, skin infection (fungus infection), ulcer, gangrene ulcer, ulcerous diabetes mellitus (MD),Psychological problems (schizophrenia, depression, and drug addicted e.g. morphine addicted, etc.)Our treatment methods constitutes of the application of new-fifteen innovations in Medical world, pharmacy, nutrition, physiotherapy, and nursing that have been proven through the scientific examination, clinical research, and scientific analysis. The examinations (tests) have been undertaken for 17 years from 1986-2003 toward the traditional treatment and medic.The etiology empirically proven that stroke, tetanus, heart illness (non-infection), psychological problems (disorder), vertigo, epilepsy, cephalic migraine, insomnia, amnesia, dementia, eye problems (near/far sight, cross eyed), sensory-neural, tinitus, paralysis, pathologic (obstruction micro vesicular) in the part of human body (97%). It is 92 % of the treatments recover the above illnesses perfectly.For you and your family who suffer from the above acute and chronic illnesses, why don’t you come soon to our practice in our Traditional Care Center in Kendari? Never let your disease torture yourself, and that may lead to your death. Using our traditional therapy and God blessing hopefully your disease can be treated and recovered. Remember!!! There is no disease that cannot be treated and recovered except you are reluctant to treat. Visit our practice center and prove it now!Listed in categories
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