Company name
Gading Bukit Indah G1-G2. Jl. Bukit Gading Raya. Kelapa Gading Permai, Jakarta Raya, P.O. Box: 14240, Indonesia
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Starlight prime thermoplas as a first plastic manufacturing company that enters the indonesian market has a very big passion to become the biggest and best plastics manufacturing company in Indonesia that provide quality innovative products and services through a big efforts of continuous quality, management, and man power improvement. Starlight prime thermoplas was established at sleman, yogyakarta on 1979 and was the first plastic's manufacturing company that enters the indonesian market. At first, we produce PVC rigid sheet and PVC rigid film. In the early 90 we develop a new line of products. PVC shrink film and plastic food box. Right now we have three (3) main products. PVC sheet, PVC film, plastic food box. We can also produce PVC, PET, PP, hips, PS material that can be used for  
Show more various application to suits your company's requirement. As a company that has a benefit of first entering the market, we are also the leading player on the plastic food box market. From the traditional wet market, home food industries, catering industries, to modern market such as supermarket, hypermarket, cafes and restaurant, our sp brand plastic food box was the most commonly used in the market and was the top selling product for us and also for our business partners. In addition of our plastic food box products, we also have good quality colorized and clear PVC sheet, shrink film, PET film. Those products can be made for your various industry applications such as biscuits tray, inside packaging for electronic; automotives spare part packaging, etc.
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