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Jl.Muara Karang Blok B8 Timur No.96-97, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta Raya, P.O. Box: 14470, Indonesia
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1976Company description
Pt. Kirana pacifik luas is a company that producing plastic product like home ware, kitchenware, gardening ware and industrial products. Establish in 1996 to face the global era, which is very competitive. With experiences background and forward vision, we surely are being success in household product competition.The name claris was pick because besides having international sounds, in Indonesia it was stand for cepat laris or quick selling in English.Our aspiration is to become total marketing company that cares to consumer demand with trust to applied win-win partnership.Products that given brand claris are "premium lifestyle home wares" product, which have target for middle-high class and with distribution channel to be focus at retail stores. Until now claris brand has been registered
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in some nations like: Asia, USA, Europe, Australia and middle east. With strong claris concept we also had succeed to applied distribution channel for middle-high class in Indonesia and many other countries.The main claris concept is innovative and creative. The point of the concept is to support our slogan that is: As a compliment of modern family. The example that mentions claris is innovative and creative was shown at claris products launching all this time.In year 1997Claris differentiated it self-trough form, product colour, packaging and promotion as a strategy tenter the market.Launched elvini collection with natural colour.Product presentations at the time using hang tag and packaging.In store promusing display.In year 1998Launched valeta collection with frost colour using PP transparent material.In store promusing light box display.Become a sponsor of TV quiz.Ppe design with classic theme.Exhibition participator in Hong kong, ambiente and tendence - Germany.Claris product start tsold internationally, one of them is in takasimaya and isetan department store - Singapore.In year 1999Launched envicollection with cool colour.In store promusing oval table display.Ppe design with Ocean theme.Exhibition participator in ambiente and tendence - Germany.In year 2000Launched new colour, which is pearl glcolour.Expanding promotion by made a new logo; "communication logo".Radio advertisement.Magazine advertisement.And the last launched was claris website with purposed to support "customer loyalty program" concept and as a medium after sales activity.Listed in categories
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