PT. RASICO INDUSTRY - Tangerang, Indonesia
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Jl. Daan Mogot Km.18, Banten, P.O. Box: 15122, Tangerang, Indonesia
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1970Company description
PT. Rasico Industry, established in 1970, is known as the pioneer in artificial leather manufacturing in Indonesia. Both the factory and the office are located in approximately 20,000 sqm. Of land aside of the main road from Jakarta to Tangerang.The company is running activities of 200 workers and 3 production lines, producing about 4 million meters of both Polyurethane(PU) leather and Polyvinyl chloride(PVC) leather yearly. Rasico's products are widely used in industries such as sport shoes, fashion shoes, sandals, automotive seat cover, furniture, bags and many more.We do this by being aware of and fulfilling our customer's needs.We apply professionalism as both an attitude and a skill, where we conduct our tasks with hard work, integrity, and dedication.ProductsStandard PU& PVC
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leatherRasico produces highest quality of artificial leathers for general use.Custom Made PU& PVC leatherRasico accepts customized order as well, where our customers are able to purchase a product justified to their specifications.PU& PVC Coating ServicesRasico provides services using coating agents for determining gloss level(high gloss; semi gloss, etc. )PU& PVC Surfaces TreatmentsRasico provides printing and other surface treatments.ServicesProviding highly responsive and fully trained customer service,Supplying mainly grade A products, where other qualities are subject request and availability, andProviding safe and quick shipment of order nationally and internationally.ApplicationFurnitureShoes& SandalsBags& LuggageAutomotive Car Seat Cover& UpholsterySoccer& Basket BallsStationaryCustomer CareRASICO's services are design to support the short and long term needs of its customers with the most efficient and cost effective solution.ReferencesPT. Indomobil Suzuki Indonesia, Jakarta-Indonesia(SuzukiAutomotive Manufacturer)PT. Dasa Windu Agung, Jakarta-Indonesia(AutomotivesAssembly Company)PT. Roda Nada Karya, Tangerang-Indonesia(AutomotiveUpholstery)PT. Kreasindo Jaya Sentosa, Jakarta - Indonesia(AutomotiveIndustry)PT. Rahayu Santosa, Bogor - Indonesia(AutomotiveIndustry)PT. Sinarindo Poladuta Mandiri-DLD, Jakarta - Indonesia(AutomotivesIndustry)CV. Mustika Adiwijaya(AutomotivesIndustry)PT. Xerama Bicycle Industrial, Tangerang-Indonesia(BicycleManufacturer)PT. Pembina Hyose Industry, Bogor-Indonesia(MikasaBrand Licensee to manufacture Volley Balls, Soccer Balls, Basket Balls, etc. In Indonesia)PT. Nassau, Jakarta - Indonesia(Sportsequipments Manufacturer)PT. Gajah Mada Shuttlecock, Jogjakarta-Indonesia(ShuttlecockManufacturer)PT. Twenty One Shoes, Jakarta-Indonesia(NeckermannBrand Licensee to manufacture their shoes and sandals in Indonesia)PT. Bata Indonesia, Jakarta-Indonesia(BataShoes and Sandals Manufacturer)PT. Mimi Shoes, Jakarta - Indonesia(ChildrenShoes Manufacturer)NV. Bambi, Jakarta - Indonesia(ChildrenShoes Manufacturer)PT. Damai Columbus, Jakarta - Indonesia(Bags&Luggage Manufacturer)PT. Guchi, Jakarta - Indonesia(Bags&Luggage Manufacturer)PT. Forta Larese, Jakarta-Indonesia(ChitoseBrand Licensee to manufacture office chairs in Indonesia)PT. Pacific Mebel, Jakarta-Indonesia(FurnitureIndustry)Listed in categories
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