PT. INDO FURNITAMA RAYA - Pasuruan, Indonesia

Company name
Gerongan, Kraton, Pasuruan, Propinsi Jawa Timur, P.O. Box: 67151, Indonesia
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Company description
Ifura product range in wood working industry consists of garden furniture, indoor furniture (bedroom set and occasional items) and teak-flooring. Currently, our monthly output level of production is 40 to 50 containers of the above variation of products.On the 17th of january,2000, ifura started its operation in the new facility located at raci, pasuruan east java. Our new manufacturing has all important facilities to manufacture various line of products. Those facilities include:- sawmill and kiln dry chambers with monthly capacity of 1,500 cubic meters of sawn timber.- complete production line suitable to manufacture garden furniture item, bedroom set and occasional item.- finishing line with 10-point spray booth for American standard finished.- warehouses, spacious show room and office  
Show more space.Ifura manufacturing facility is built on 35,000 square meter of land designed to manufacture 100 containers of furniture product per month. It is our target to reach that level of production on the second year of running the facility.Ifura, formerly cv. Jati karya, was established in 1924. Its years of experince in wood working industry was developed as a family business. Mr. Abdurrachman assegaff, our managing director and owner is the third generation of the family passing on the tradition in manufacturing quality wood working products. Ifura has been manufactured and exported garden furniture in the last five years for Europe, Japan and us. On indoor furniture we have started the program in the last two years for us market.Ifura is promoting itself to any potential business partner whom would like to share the importance of having a long term, solid business relationship. We, in ifura believe that the foundation of a good business relationship is to show our high commitment on preserving a long-term business growth through high quality of woodworking and consistency of operation. Our past experience has shown that most of our business partners, in the past few years, have managed to expand their business with us by having 30% to 40% increase of number of containers ordered, few of them even projecting some 200% increase of order for the season.Wood supplyIfura has been working hand in hand as a partner of perum perhutani, the indonesian government body whom responsible for the management of forestry and wood plantation. It has been more than a decade ago since ifura being supplied fully by perum perhutani. Our working relationship is based on annual contract for the supplies of teak, mahogany and pine.Ifura guarantees the availability of plantation wood throughout the year.ProfessionalsThe management is attaining smooth manufacturing process by having responsible, resourceful and experienced professionals to run their function. Ifura management team is the representative of experienced professionals from Indonesia as well as other countries whom are consistently working together to promote continuous improvement in quality and efficiency
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