PT. INDAH SUBUR SEJATI - Jakarta, Indonesia

Company name
Komp. Pegudangan Rawa Melati, Jl. Kapuk Kamal Kayu Besar 3, Blok M12 No.1, Kel. Tegal Alur, Jakarta Raya, P.O. Box: 11820, Indonesia
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Establishment year 1979
Company description
We were established in 1979, started by making men's jeans for the local market since then we have experienced tremendous growth until today becoming one of the leading manufacturers of men apparel with over 600 employees and exporting to various european countries.Johnwin is our brand product, well known for its quality, durability and innovation. We have received widespread customer acceptance especially in the european regions. Though keeping the target market the same, the male population, the variety of our product has expanded widely to include shorts, cargo shorts, chino pants, cargo pantsm shirts, t-shirts, polo shirt, jackets, vest, and caps.Only a few years ago, an expension of johnwin was started, under the brand of leggs to focus on the local market. Employing the same  
Show more philosophy and branding strategy, we have over 100 outlets throughout major cities in indonesia. Currently, out list of customers includes major department stores such as metro, matahari, brata, roberta and other retail stores. We are looking up to open more showrooms in major shopping malls in jakarta, other cities in indonesia.QualityWe take great pride in the quality of our products and attribute that due to our strict quality control program. Starting from material reception down to washing and finishing. We believe that a well known brand is represented by its product quality. Good teamwork is our main concern in our production proces.InnovationIn order to meet with the rapidly changing market and customer's demand, we have an in house design department to ensure that we are always ahead of the marker trend, in creativity and trend.FacilitiesPt. Indah subur sejati is located in west jakarta. Our factory is sitting on area of over 10,000 square meters including warehouse facility for storing our denim and twills.Our production facilities include:* cutting facility with fully computerized marking and grading system by ioline system opitex.* sewing facility with total of 8 lines with over 400 sewing machines.* finishing facility completes with vertical steam pressers, heat seal machines, polybag sealing machines and flashing machines.Supported by these facilites, we can to produce up to 50,000 pieces of garment every week. On top of that we also own and operate our own laundry facility with capacity of over 100,000 units.The facility is equipped with:* 10 sun light 440 lb washers* 400 lb extractor* 1,500 lb driers* 3 samples washers @ 120 lb eachOur laundry facility can produce different range of washers such as: Bio, garment tinting, stone, enzyme and stone dyed.We continue to keep our manufacuring facilities well equipped with modern machinery and reliable equipment to help to reduce production time and manual labor.FutureAfter 25 years of manufacturing and branding experience, our mission remains the same, bringing johnwin into a world class brand with worldwide recognition by delivering superior quality product, staying a head of the marker trend and prompt delivery. From where we stand the future is looking bright. We are looking to work with reliable partners who believe a ling term mutually beneficial partnership.
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