PT. CHEMPEX JAYA - Jakarta, Indonesia
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Jl Cikini II/6, Jakarta Raya, P.O. Box: 10330, Indonesia
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Company description
PT. Chempex Jaya is a Jakarta based Trading House dealing in soft commodities such as spices, natural gums and resins.We are an associate company of the Kewalram Chanrai Group - a diversified multinational corporation headquartered in Singapore. The Group’s sphere of business ranges from international trading in commodities to cotton farming, textile spinning, information technology, real estate and other activities. The Group has a worldwide presence with operations in USA, Europe, Africa, Middle East as well as Southeast Asia. PT. Chempex Jaya was set up in 1996 with a view to harness opportunities both in inward and outward trade from Indonesia. Since its inception, the unit has chosen to focus on niche product areas where Indonesia has inherent competitive advantages; namely -
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agro-commodities. Over the years, PT. Chempex Jaya has built up a solid sourcing and marketing network across Indonesia and also has experience in processing, storage and handling of natural products.PT. Chempex Jaya offers more than just experience and reliability as an International Trading House. We consider ourselves an extension of your organization, rather than an outside entity. We offer two types of services, which differentiate us from other players in the market place. They are :�Sourcing Partnerships�Marketing AssociationsAs your Sourcing Partner - we can help take care of your procurement needs from Indonesia, carry out in-house product processing to suit your requirements and handle shipment logistics and documentation formalities. Dealing through us would enable you to tap into our reserve of local expertise and quality control infrastructure, which, together with our knowledge of your needs makes us an ideal “one stop shop” for your requirements.Key Benefits Offered :* Origin Based Sourcing* In-House processing and Quality Control* Storage, Shipping & Logistics infrastructureAs your Marketing Associate - we can help to extend your sales reach within Indonesia by acting as a reliable and financially secure distributor / agent for your products. Dealing through us would offer you a low-risk and cost-effective option for overseas marketing of your products in Indonesia.Key benefits offered :* Wide distribution network* Marketing Resources* Financial strengthsListed in categories
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