PT TEKLIN UTAMA FUTURA - Jakarta, Indonesia

Company name
Ruko Pondok Pinang Center B No. 16 Jalan Ciputat Raya, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
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Establishment year 1998
Company description
We would let you know our company named PT Teklin Utama Futura established in 1998 and engaged maintenance works in heavy industries e. G. Oil co, refineries, chemical plant, and fertilizer in Indonesia. Besides dealing with maintenance works, we also serve procurement of units and spare parts. Currently PT Teklin Utama Futura has ownedProfessional employees in respective fields both in the field of procurement of goods and maintenance. Executive meeting some days ago saw opportunity to expand company business in the field of fuel procurement that will be offered to Coal Co, Oil Co, Refineries, chemical plant, Fertilizer, etc. where we have established a tight relation with them. So far fuel always supplied by a sole player state owned company Pertamina to entire regions either government  
Show more or non government. But in present time the Indonesian government started to open private companies to participate in fuel supply and in operation for example: Shell already built 4 fuel stations and already operated, Petronas 2 fuel stations and it is hoped in the next 2-3 years becomes 500 fuel stations. Sales of high octane fuel, diesel fuel, and kerosene remains under subsidy from the government to public but not for industry, and the amount of subsidy will be minimized periodically until it follows market price.
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