PT CITRA PERSADA SANKURIANG - Banjarmasin, Indonesia

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Perum. Mandiri Permai C-2 No.48 Jl Sultan Adam, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan, Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
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Company description
Citra Persada Sangkuriang(CPS)was established in 2000 to develop coal resources in Indonesia. The fact that South Kalimantan is rich in coal reserves and also considering the human resource capability and technology, we finally chose to develop a coal mine in South Kalimantan.Our coal derives from the Serongga, Batulicin formation which is distinguished by low sulfur 0,7 % and ash contents about 12 % and 15 % respectively, making this coal more acceptable to the environment. This coal however comes with a relatively moisture content of about 14 % maximum and calorific value of about 6.300 kcal/KG.Based on several reasons we are convinced that will able to find the appropriate markets for out coal. Firstly, the total reserve of higher calorific value coal is limited and has been exploited  
Show more for sometime. Secondly, with the green revolution especially in Europe and USA, more industries have started getting their energy boilers re-designed especially for low calorific coal.As we have managed reducing our cost of production, we have been able to export our coal to India that uses low calorific coal in large quantities. We also plan to export our coal to Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines and Europe.By the en of 2003 when we have complete the construction of our new coal haul road, we will be able increase our production capacity to meet the ever increasing demand of CPSWe hope this booklet will provide you with comprehensive, yet brief, information on our coal mining industry or your consideration in deciding where to source your coal needs.
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