PRINTER BOIDO.CO.,LTD - Bandung, Indonesia
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Company name
Pasar Lapan Ada Tekap Street No. 88, Jakarta Raya, P.O. Box: 20131, Bandung, Indonesia
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Establishment year 1996
Company description
Printer Boido. Co., Ltd is distributor's companies of the product computer hardware and software. Stood since 1996. We were located in the Bandung, Indonesia. Since 1999 we co-operated with many of the producer's companies computer and printer all over the world and to the co-operation partner in the marketing of their product and since 2001 we began to open the market to the world by taking off several market available in several countries in the world. We guaranteed the authenticity from each thing that was marketed by us with the good guarantee guarantee but also the authenticity license of the thing from the brand company. We marketed each one of our products with the price that competed and relatively cheap because direct came from the company that created. We also received happily each company that wanted to co-operate with our company in the form of anything.
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