PILAR MAS CORPORATION - Surabaya, Indonesia
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Petemon Iii No.193, Propinsi Jawa Timur, P.O. Box: 60050, Surabaya, Indonesia
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Company description
Pilar Mas Corporation is company supplies and trade for Indonesia Products such as : A. Fish & Shrimp 1. Prozen Shrimp 2. Frozen Fish 3. Dried Fish B. Agriculture Products & FoodStuff 1. Fresh Ginger & Dried Ginger 2. Turmeric 3. Coffee Bean 3. Cocoa Bean 4. Organic Fertilizer 5. Prawn & Shrimp Cracker 6. Fish Cracker 7. Tapioca/Cassava Chip 8. Palm & Coconut Cooking Oil C. Furniture 1. Garden Furniture 2. Interior Furniture (Bed, Chair, Cupboard, Table) D. Handicraft & Garment Products 1. Wooden Handicraft (made to order) 2. Stoone Handicraft (made to order) 3. Water Fountain 4. Saroong 5. Scraf E. Building Material 1. Wooden Decking 2. Garden Tile 3. Wooden Flooring 4. Coconut Flooring 5. Indonesia Bieges / Marble Stone F. Minning Products 1. Steam Coal Non-cooking 2.
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Iron Ore 3. Iron Sand We associate and affiliated with manufactures, home industries and minning exploration legal and goverment institution. Pilar Mas Corporation founded and manage with key profesional staffs which have expert in field and products offer. With basic customer focus service we are ready to serve all our value customer and guarrantee with products available and qualified products and time manner delivery on time. We thank you in advance for your kindly attention and kindly cooperation and please feel free and do not hesitate to contact usListed in categories
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