P.T DWI SATRIA UTAMA - Jakarta, Indonesia

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#26 West Kuningan Street, Jakarta Raya, P.O. Box: 12710, Indonesia
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Establishment year 1980
Company description
Pt. Dwi satrya utama ("dsu") was first established in 1918 by the tjiptobiantoro family as a trading company and housing contractor in surabaya, Indonesia. Today, it is known collectively as the dwi satrya utama group, having diversified into manufacturing, trading, financial services and property.Pt. Dwi satrya utama is owned equally by mr. Lisjanto tjiptobiantoro and pt. Tifa inti tunggal.Pt. Tifa inti tunggal was established in 1996 and majority owned by mr. Lisjanto. Apart from investment in pt. Dwi satrya utama, it has acquired some interest in pt. Berlina tbk. And pt. Tifa mutual finance corporation.Mr. Lisjanto is a mechanical engineer by training from the university of new south wales Australia and a graduate from the harvard business school. He is in the early 50's and has  
Show more extensive years and experience working as business professional.The business units in the dwi satrya utama group are managed by their respective local management team made up of professionals and reporting to the executive committee of the dsu group. The executive committee determines the strategic plans and provide directions and guidance to the management of individual business units of the dsu group.The manufacturing consist of paints, safety matches, plastics, laminated tube and textile.The property division owns and managed various prestigious office buildings, land banks in the Jakarta and surabaya.The trading division has experienced for more than 80 years with the distribution network over Indonesia. The distribution network is supported with many branches located in the major business centers of java, bali and sulawesi.The financial services with the financing activities, securities and insurance.In total, the dwi satrya utama group of companies is responsible for the employement of over 7,000 employees.
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