Company name
Jl Rs Fatmawati 52, Jakarta Raya, P.O. Box: 12430, Indonesia
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Establishment year 2007
Company description
GHFA mission statement: The Gawi Hai Foundation of America seeks to establish collaborative efforts between the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and American public and private institutions, to include universities, foundations, and US federal government agencies. The overriding purpose of these efforts is to establish a mutual exchange of knowledge, skills, and personnel between LIPI, the American organizations mentioned above, such organizations from other nations, and The Gawi Hai America Foundation. The objectives of this exchange are various and include the following plus other objectives that will arise as this cooperative effort matures. The parties to this cooperation will focus this knowledge and these skills primarily on Indonesia. Application of these, however, is not  
Show more limited to Indonesia alone and could find uses in other regions of Asia, the Middle East, the US, and other appropriate regions and nations. Objectives and Activities: 1. mitigating against tsunami inundations along Indonesia's most hazarded coastal areas; 2. incorporating disaster mitigation strategies beneficially into economic life of these communities; 3. developing transportation infrastructure within coastal communities which will facilitate future massEvacuations; 4. assisting in the improvement of Indonesian emergency management at regional and local levels; 5. reducing the epidemiological threat of the avian influenza, and other regional diseases; 6. fostering 'green' technologies to reduce Indonesian soil erosion and improve the quality of arable soils and agricultural production; 7. conducting reforestation of devastated regions with bamboo and develop a bamboo industry that will replace the use of wood and provide a resource for fiber based and other industries; 8. developing and training for the use of environmentally-friendly housing materials and residential designs to international standards which will resist seismic damage, as needed, as well as provide lower cost, healthier, and more cost efficient residences for the people of this country now requiring better quality housing; 9. developing new, more sustainable, road materials and international standard road making procedures; 10. improving the quality and disease-resistance of Indonesian livestock; 11. assisting the Indonesian government in the development of bio-fuel and other renewable energy resources to replace reliance upon petroleum and wood; 12. developing projects that will attract foreign and local investment working with the local residents as partners in the enterprise instead of as employees; 13. establishing educational institutions designed specifically to train the people in the use, maintenance, and further development of the results of our cooperative effort; 14. to the extent possible, being sensitive to and introducing our efforts through the traditional cultural systems and beliefs of the people we are working with, making every feasible effort to document and preserve these systems and beliefs.
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