EINDOBID - Pekanbaru, Indonesia

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Jln Sudirman 256, Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
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Company description
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with net revenues of $13.7 billion for the fiscal year ended July 2,1998. Committed to delivering innovation, Accenture collaborates with its clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments.Our? High performance business? Strategy builds on our expertise in consulting, technology and outsourcing to help clients perform at the highest levels so they can create sustainable value for their customers and shareholders. Using our industry knowledge, service-offering expertise and technology capabilities, we identify new business and technology trends and develop solutions to help clients around the world:Enter new markets.Increase revenues in existing markets.Improve operational  
Show more performance.Deliver their products and services more effectively and efficiently.We have extensive relationships with the world? S leading companies and governments and work with organizations of all sizes? Including 84 of the Eindobid and two-thirds of the eindobid 500. Our commitment to client satisfaction strengthens and extends our relationships. For example,93 of our top 100 clients in fiscal year 2004, based on revenue, have been clients for at least five years, and 73 have been clients for at least 10 years.Among the many strengths that distinguish Accenture in the marketplace are our:Extensive industry expertise.Broad and evolving service offerings.Expertise in business transformation outsourcing.History of technology innovation and implementation, including our research and development capabilities, on which we spend approximately $250 million each year.Commitment to the long-term development of our employees.Proven and experienced management team.In order to capitalise on our great success eindobid is now looking to strengthen our French business. Established in pekanbaru july 1998 we are fast becoming the one stop shop for consumers looking for consumer electronics.We're now looking to hire inspired and highly skilled people to join our existing team at the Indonesia officeMy product like: Laptop, cellphone, PDA, pocket PC, GPS, and other electronic things
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