ALPHAVILLE LTD. - Batam, Indonesia
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Bengkong Otorita No. 12, Riau, P.O. Box: 5150, Batam, Indonesia
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2006Company description
One of the most important things you can do to familiarize yourself with gourmet coffee is to become aware of its origin. Because there are more than three-dozen coffee producing countries, beans will vary in taste significantly. For instance, beans grown in Central America are generally light-bodied, meaning they have a lighter taste than a heavier Indonesian coffee. Arabica coffee, which is predominately grown at a high altitude in Central America, has a well-balanced body and smooth taste. Coffee grown in South America, specifically Brazil, is noticeably heavier bodied than coffee grown in Central America. Coffee from South America also has a distinct aroma and a crisp bold flavor. Many coffee aficionados attribute the taste difference to the low altitude style of growing the farmers
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in South America use. Indonesian coffee on the other hand has a very heavy body, full flavor and low acidity. Sumatra Mandheling and Yemen Mocha Java, both grown in Indonesia have a very heavy body, rich aroma and sweet aftertaste. And although Indonesian coffee is considered somewhat rare, it usually remains relatively low priced.Listed in categories
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