AGRIBANDA SEJAHTERA - Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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Company name
Jalan Lingkar Kampus Lr. L. Bangka 14, Aceh, P.O. Box: 23112, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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1998E-mail address
Company description
The company was established in 16 March 1999 with an authorized capital of Rp 90, 000, 000, entirely issued and paid up. The original founding shareholders were Mr. Renaldi, Mr. Muzakkir and Mrs. Ratna (they are Indonesian entrepreneurs) . The company articles of associations has amended for several times. In 14th April 1999 one of the shareholder Mr. Billy Zulkifli and changed to as a new shareholder is Mr. Renaldi. It has been operated since 1999 in general trading among others are trading and distribution of agribusiness input, textile & electronic. The company is an agent for organic pesticide and organic fertilizer. The products are distributed for Aceh province and surroundings. The company operation has been growing slowly and running well within the last three years. The demand
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for organic input has been fluctuating in the last five years. Market competition is very competitive because many similar companies are operating in Indonesia. Business position of company is appraised not so critical for it has already controlled a wide marketing network at Aceh area and surroundings. We are sure the company is highly competent to develop its business in the future. We estimate its operation has in 1999 posted a total sales of Rp 200 million increased respectively to Rp 250 million in 2000 and up to Rp 400 million during 2001 to 2006 and projected to go on rising by 5% in 2007. Its operation has in 2001 to our estimate yielded a total net profit of Rp 105 million. The management is headed by Mr. Renaldi, a businessman with experience for some 5 years in agro inputs distribution. The company is handled by a number of professional managers. They have already maintained a wide business relation among private companies at home as well as among government agencies. As far as business is concerned the management of Agribanda Sejahtera has never involved in any fraudulent dealings. It is good for normal business transactions.Listed in categories
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