Iwan Drg - Jakarta, Indonesia
Iwan Drg
1 Review
Iwan DrgKompl Bintaro Jaya Sektor VII Bl FA-2/33,Jurang Manggu Barat,Pondok Aren021 74867732, 021 74867730, 021 74867731https://www.indonesiayp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Company name
Iwan Drg
Kompl Bintaro Jaya Sektor VII Bl FA-2/33,Jurang Manggu Barat,Pondok Aren, Jakarta, Indonesia
Contact number
021 74867732
Listed in categories
Iwan DrgKompl Bintaro Jaya Sektor VII Bl FA-2/33,Jurang Manggu Barat,Pondok Aren021 74867732, 021 74867730, 021 74867731https://www.indonesiayp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
It was my first time to this dentist since he was recommended by one of my friend and it was near my house. Before i went to the dentist fir my husband, i firstly called and picked up by his assistant informed that it wasnt need any appointment and the quieing number will be based on arrival on spot. Then we came and found out that there were 3 patients before us. We patiently waited for the call to come in.. It was really poor that there wasnt any person stand by in front desk to ask for how long should we wait as it was already 2 hours waiting time since our arrival.. Not even assistant to go out for a while to inform us the waiting time left. It took me 2.5 hours until i got impatient and started to get angry when i called to the dentist's phone number and found out that the patient before us was doing surgery!!!! How come a dentist doesnt have any arrangement and appointment for his patients and just let them wait for a very long time without any notification???? It was not a proffesional service and it was so rude!! I promise myself that that was my first and last time!!
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