Andalan Cipta Lestari PT - Tangerang, Indonesia
Andalan Cipta Lestari PT
2 Reviews
Andalan Cipta Lestari PTJl Boulevard Gading Golf II 22,Curug021 32102001, 021 33000418, 021 54217710
Company name
Andalan Cipta Lestari PT
Jl Boulevard Gading Golf II 22,Curug, Tangerang, Indonesia
Contact number
021 54217710
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Andalan Cipta Lestari PTJl Boulevard Gading Golf II 22,Curug021 32102001, 021 33000418, 021 54217710
I bought several folding doors and screen wire mesh door from them and while it took a while, about 3 weeks or so, the product was nicely made and aftersales was pretty good. I called the owner directly if I had small complaints and they came after 2-3 days, of course with some small payments for the trouble. They were always very busy so I kinda understand the delay.
Andalan Cipta Lestari PTJl Boulevard Gading Golf II 22,Curug021 32102001, 021 33000418, 021 54217710
the service is very very bad, customer may not complaint, if you complaint it means you are wrong and they are always right. The order took very long time and when we complaint, the product came exactly the same as before, and then took another long long time to fix the product defect even if you bought billion of rupiah, you will be treated the same. Don't buy any product from them unless the owner has learned how to serve customer correctly.
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