Insinyur Tukangbangunan - Kendari, Indonesia

Insinyur Tukangbangunan
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Insinyur Tukangbangunan
Jalan Mekar Damai No. 250 Kota Kendari, Sulawesi, Indonesia
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Working hours
  • Monday: 08.00-15.00
  • Tuesday: 08.00-15.00
  • Wednesday: 08.00-15.00
  • Thursday: 08.00-15.00
  • Friday: 08.00-11.00
  • Saturday: 08.00-15.00
  • Sunday: libur
Company manager
Fiqrah Risar Muhammad
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KP.pdip 3.16-96
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Introduction to the program
Many experts believe the human brain is divided into two, there is the term left brain and right brain, which each function is different, the left brain more dimension mathematic and right brain more smelling art and fantasy, the same opinion of scientists had previously, they divided the human brain into two categories , there's something called the cerebrum and cerebellum, brain function more as a thinker large and small brain functions as memory, not a few experts and scholars who successfully wrote the book of this division.
When we dissect this opinion, the question arises a new, possible due to the debate between right brain and left brain, so that people become stressed even be mad where between the two brains are mutually defend his will, left brain  
Show more wanted reckoning for the sharing of fees the project while the right brain is planning to listen majlis recitals taklimnya, wallahu nature, only God knoweth.
Another story comedian today, where they divided the human brain into five parts, there is a forebrain, hindbrain, the left brain, right brain and midbrain (core), according to those between the brains of the most glorious output of their products which is the brain's core, for people who senatiasa using this brain, akhiratnya balanced global trend, but its weakness is the high sexual appetite, which in turn gave birth to the number of children that a lot. Another story again when the man who always use the front of the brain, the person generally haughty, arrogant, no matter the surroundings, greedy, like praise, always stories advantages, drawbacks always hidden. The advantage for the type of man who predominantly use forebrain, it is generally economically wealthy, the opposite of this is the man who predominantly use the brain behind it, in general they are - they are clans marginalized, helpless, unable to fight for the rights of life, his voice slowly, running slowly, and the economy generally powerless. Well how people who predominantly use left brain and right, the comedian believes the type of people who predominantly use his left brain, ie those who always take something that is not right, for example, officials are corrupt officials who continue to receive fee-fee projects, officials who continue to receive bribes from signatories IUP-IUP mining, IUP-IUP agriculture and IUP-IUP forestry, law enforcement because of the position and the position used as bargaining power "justice" for the officials who indicated corruption, officials are always with office and money to use bargaining power to deceive hehormatan women, good women who are still single status or women who is a husband, as well as the type of man who predominantly use right brain, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, generally those who have excess money either officials and entrepreneurs are constantly wasting money through night clubs, kaoroke, night cafés, salons spa masquerading family saloon.
Well of review experts, scholars and comedian above, we try to continue the "dissection" of the division of the human brain is, assuming we noted that "brain function". When man fell asleep on the bed, new brain energy can be used by the owner, but in the subconscious sadarpun, the human brain is not uncommon energy still in process is commonly called a dream or delusion. Today in general, energy the brain works according to the pattern knowledge of the owner, where the basics berpijaknya backdrop of what has been read, what I've seen, what was heard, what has been perceived and what are the experiences that have been identified through various sources, such as primary education, secondary education and higher education, information from the channels of television, information from radio broadcasts, information obtained through reading, for example, magazines, newspapers, newsletters etc. the sources of information, whether it be a story a friend , a forum for dialogue, discussion forums and ultimately the human brain energy "tired" with the problems that have been known to others before. As a result of this fatigue, the fruit of energy the human brain giving birth scientific works which have a weight lower and unused and helpful community, government rules that restrict the acceleration kreaktivitas human civilization, graduates of higher education who weighs thinking low quality, story -A long time ago, a little extra spice on the long history of the story, and the myriad problems of slowness of the progress of development of the State.
This Tukangbangunan engineer, born through various debates about human brain function, where social problems in the community who riel for example, ignorance, poverty, unemployment, powerlessness, justice, abuse of authority, corruption, collusion,
Definisi introduction
the action of introducing something.
"issues arising from the introduction of new technology"
sinonim: institution, establishment, initiation, launch, inauguration, foundation, start, commencement, debut, inception, origination
a formal presentation of one person to another, in which each is told the other's name.
"he returned to his desk, leaving Michael to make the introductions"
sinonim: (formal) presentation to, meeting with, audience with
a thing preliminary to something else, especially an explanatory section at the beginning of a book, report, or speech.
"your talk will need an introduction that states clearly what you are talking about and why"
sinonim: foreword, preface, preamble, prologue, prelude, opening (statement), beginning, intro, lead-in, prelims, proem, prolegomenon
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    Jasa Sosial bidang tenaga kerja bangunan


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