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Raya Bogor Km 34, 5, Jakarta Raya, P.O. Box: 16953, Depok, Indonesia
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Company description
Established in 1972, our company, PT. Triple Ace Corporation, is a leading manufacturer of quality soaps, toilatries, perfumes, skin care products, and household products. The plant in located on a 14,000 m2 land in Cimanggis, Depok, Indonesia.We manufacture brand name and private label products, and provide contract manufacturing services for local and international clients. Our products can be found in many places throughout the world, from local markets to first class hotels.Equipment and TechnologyWe use modern European equipment to manufacture most of our products. Our Research and Development Department makes sure that we always keep up with the new developments in the manufacturing technology of soaps, toiletries, perfumeries, skin care products, and household products. Our  
Show more products are comparable in quality with those made in Europe and the United States.Raw Materials, Perfumes, Additives, and ColorsWe set a high standard for all raw materials and packaging materials used in our products. Some raw materials, additives, colors and perfumes are still imported from Europe and the United States, and made available to us by the local agents of the manufactures.PackagingPackaging for soaps, toiletries, and skin care products can be made in Indonesia. However, clients are welcomed to provide us with packaging materials if they prefer to do so.PricesWe offer competitive prices for our products, however, clients inputs on prices are welcomed.DeliveryWe understand the importance of on time delivery to our clients, therefore we always try to make sure that orders are delivered on time in an ordinary course of business.Product SelectionWe manufacture a wide variety of products from bar soaps to cleansing tissue in sachets. Listed below are products available for private label, contract manufacturing and hotel trade.Private LabelClients may choose from existing products or our R&D Group will design and develop for a client a product or products according to the client specifications. Our R&D Group consists of experienced chemists supported with our 30 plus years experience. The R&D Group objective is to develop products that may fit your target price. Whatever our clients requirement are, we will make sure that they are satisfied with the outcome of the products.Contract ManufacturingIf a client has a ready formula, we can also do the manufacturing, filling and packaging for the client. Our clients formulas are always guarded carefully and treated at strict confidence. We have been serving many clients since 1988.Hotel AmenitiesHotel companies and supplies are one of our most important clients. We have been supplying many first class International hotel chains with hotel soaps and toiletries.Our popular hotel soap already been used by high class hotels and hotel chains.Hotel companies may choose to order soaps from the existing product lines or order a completely new soap with a particular perfume and shape. In any case, we are always available to assist them.The current trend in the hotel trade is to provide hotel guests with the luxury of transparent and solid soap. We offer our clients high quality transparent and solid soap in different colors and shapes.


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