Lily's Florist Bali - Bandung, Indonesia
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Listing - +9Years
With Us
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Lily's Florist Bali
Jalan Camplung Tanduk, Seminyak, Bandung, Bali, Indonesia
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Company description
To coincide with the huge success we have experienced in store, and the huge demand from our wonderful customers, Oriental Blooms Bali has decided to take our 20 years of experience, and take our flower shop online with the most highly advanced, safest, and easy to use website of any florist in Bali, Indonesia.
Why is our webiste in English?
In the years we have been selling flowers most of the people wanting to use a webiste, and all requests, came from people living in other coutries like Australia, Russia, USA, Korea, Japan and many others. It simply made sense to have a webiste in English rather than Bahassa Indonesia.
Why is our webiste in English?
In the years we have been selling flowers most of the people wanting to use a webiste, and all requests, came from people living in other coutries like Australia, Russia, USA, Korea, Japan and many others. It simply made sense to have a webiste in English rather than Bahassa Indonesia.
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